All parties having governed Spain in the last 24 years have had as one of their most urgent tasks, the end of the Basque terrorist group, ETA. In spite of having increased the pressure by providing the different police forces with more resources, facts have shown that it's not the only effort to be made to abolish terrorism in the Basque country. Therefore, all the democratic governments have also tried the option of negotiating with ETA and with Batasuna, the political party which pursues the same political goals as ETA.
Opinions of both the Spanish people and the political parties are divided between those who, on the one hand, believe that negotiating with assassins is unacceptable under any conditions and on the other hand those who feel that any approach which could lead to ultimate peace should at least be evaluated.
Both positions are understandable as both carry the same aim which is the termination of terrorism and more specifically of ETA. However, the negotiations which have taken place during the past years have not led to much.
Having said this, the North Ireland equivalent problem is often taken as an example for those who believe that success can be reached through negotiation. The downside of the strong division between the two main democratic parties (Socialists and Conservatives) is that the terrorists are the only ones not losing out.
Whichever of the two options are taken, it is imperative that in the eyes of the terrorist group and the Spanish people, the two main parties solve their differences and show unity and collaboration amongst themselves. As we have examples in Europe where negotiations with terrorist groups have succeeded and the opposite, there doesn't seem to be a one-off solution to the problem. What is clear is that peace should be the only target even if reasonable concessions have to be made by all.
6 comentarios
Alejo Nieto -
Joan -
ivan -
Esther -
Chusa -
Because we know that they will never less the gun's, and are gouvernement the only thing is doing is surrender to there compliances.
Vinnie -