Message in a Bottle: Doubt

Now that you've found my message you might want to help me and my family, if it is not too late… If you do wish to give us a hand I promise I will show you the most beautiful mountains and the immense extension of sand which stands just in front of all that water. You could even stay with me and my family and I could show you all the games we play here. We have many nice things we get from the sea and many shiny stones which we get from digging in the earth. My mother always says that we have to believe in someone called God who someday will give us the water we need to drink and grow anything we want. I sometimes doubt his existence because, if my mum was right on considering him so powerful and generous, he would have already given us water and he would not have let my sister die. But she believes that someday God will make it rain for days and days and that we will have all the water we need.
I'm afraid that sometimes she is also ill or that she can't think very clearly because here it hardly ever rains and when it does it all dries up very quickly.
If you are God please listen to mum. She loves you and thinks you are the most powerful man in the world. If you are not God but you can help us by showing us how we could do to use the salty and dangerous water in the sea, I will consider you God.
Deborah Martin,2° Bach 2
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