
It may have been the biggest emotional and revoluting change in my life, which also was such a great impact, that it will be marked and sealed in my memory for the rest of my life, and this can be positive, as it can be negative.
In anyway, I said emotional change, because I never have been as confused as I was when I have just arrived from one chaos to the other, even bigger and worse, chaos. I suffered a big black out, my whole personality changed from one day to the other, like the day becomes night. But in my case the night did not return into day.
The revoluting change is directly linked to the other, new, personality, as all the ideas I had up to that moment not only changed, but suffered a big radical alteration, from the roots up to the leaves. It was like if I would have been leaving in a kind of bubble, flying through the time, in which everything seemed to be perfect and happy, and suddenly something or somebody stinged with a needle into the bubble, confronting me so, from one second to the other, to the unhappy, hard and rather sad reality.
Nevertheless I came trough without crying or complaining, always having the same aim in mind: not to end, and I even dare to say, like more than eighty percent of citizens around the world do; not to end with an ingenious view of reality, but to end knowing that in life there are many more things than that we have been living, and to end knowing that none of our ideas can be considerated normal, natural or logical, since there are coexisting so many different thoughts that are even opposed to some of ours, that to say that something is normal, always talking about ideas and thoughts, would be ingenious.
But after all, and as a consequence of the “new life”, I am glad for having learned two essential things in life: to learn to understand, and to understand the world.
5 comentarios
Sebas -
Agathe -
leandro -
Ana -
Fruzsi -