Death Penalty

Death penalty is the punishment that means the privation of life of a criminal. This means taking away the life of someone that did something that is considered a really serious crime. This is decided by the government depending on the gravity of the crime.
Among us we can find people who agree with this punishment and some other who oppose to it.
On the one hand, people that agree with death penalty give different arguments like, for example, that they think that it is fair that if someone kills another person he or she should receive the same punishment and be killed, in other words, we can say they agree with the idea of “an eye for and eye”. Others think that society should not have to pay for someone who is so dangerous that they can never return to live among normal people. They also say that the threat of execution is enough to make other criminals think twice about committing a capital crime. Meaning in this way that being a criminal you would think really carefully about it because you would be afraid of being punished.
On the other hand we have the ones who oppose this penalty. They also have their strong arguments. Some people think that although the act of murder is horrific and inexcusable, executing the killer does nothing to bring the person back so this makes the punishment useless and turn it into another murder. Others use an economic fact as a backup. They say it often costs more to execute a criminal than it would to keep him/her alive in jail and the positive thing, some people find by doing this, is that they are convinced that they will learn more alive than being killed and that they will not do it again. We have others who use psychology to stand for their ideas. They agree on the fact that it is irrational to assume that a criminal is going to consider the consequences of his actions before committing a criminal act. Finally a very important backup fact is that death penalty is considered as cruel and inhuman.
In the world we can see perfectly both positions regarding this subject: on the one hand we have the United States, who agree with death penalty (last sounded case was Saddam Hussein) and the European Union, who think the opposite way. About Hussein’s case, the European Union stood up saying that it was inhuman an immoral to kill him and that it was against Human Rights established by the United Nations.
Now the question is: “should it be legalized or not?” and it is not easy to answer it because it completely depends on each person or government’s opinion and also both sides have strong backups that support their position. Personally, I don’t agree with death penalty because I think that punishing others with death makes you a murderer too, in a different way, but also guilty; that “an eye for an eye” was a way of punishing people but many years ago, now society had evolved and rules are different.
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