Daily Rush...tine

Everyday, before coming to school, my alarm clock wakes me up at seven forty. I normally wake up moaning about how late it is because I switched off my alarm clock and carried on sleeping… lucky my mother starts shouting! Wondering why my mobile phone has not an option of my mother’s shouts as a ring tone instead of “Pakito el Chocolatero” that gets on my nerves (and it’s the best I have got!). I walk slowly and sleepily to the toilet to do a wee. While I brush my hair so quickly that I will be bold one of these days, my mom reminds me how late I am and I ask myself who will wake my up in a few months when I am alone. I brush my teeth, do my eye-line (which is a must-do, even if I am late), have a cup of coffee after an orange juice, get dressed and run to school with a pair of biscuits in my hand at ten past eight. I still wonder why I arrive at the “lycée” at twenty past eight… even if it is panting and about to choke with the biscuits.
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noe´s -
bouchra y claudia -
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