Adverts: I hate them or I love them?

I definitely have to say that I love adverts. But first of all I should start from defining what an advert is; a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service (Cambridge Dictionary).
As we observe and understand the definition, we can see that everything around us is considered an advertisement. We are involved in the world of commerce even though we don’t notice; when we walk down the street, while we watch the television, the moment we read the newspaper, among others.
Every advert is entitled to make you buy. For example the M from McDonalds has become a great advert all around the world because when we see it we instantly want to eat a hamburger. It’s incredible how an image can make you feel what other people want. While these advertisements make you buy, they can also make you think and laugh.
One of the MasterCard’s commercial may be a situation in which you think a lot about your life. Think about what really matters in your life because for the material things exists MasterCard. On the other hand, we can have fun by watching the Fiat, Pepsi, Nike commercials, etc.
Whereas some of them are very real, there are others that may try to introduce us in a new world of imagination. As we can see in the last Coca Cola commercial in which someone inserts coin in the machine and while the bottle falls he is supposedly going through that wonderful cartoon life.
Adverts are useful for everybody. For sellers and for the ones who buy because they make us laugh, think, imagine, create, feel and express.
María Isabel Y.
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